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Friday, July 19, 2013

July 19, 2013

July 19 Photo of the Day
This bag of building blocks is one of the toys that reside in my living room.  If Brooks were here he would unzip it and pour it into the floor.  Then he would walk through them and kick them everywhere!  If you will sit and build with him he loves to knock over your tower.  These blocks are soft and they don't hurt when all this demolition happens!  Many structures have been created with these building blocks and a little imagination.

July 19  Slice of Life
We got out early this morning and fought the weeds and grass in the garden.  Sometimes we laugh about how just buying produce would be easier and cheaper.  Gardeners spent money on plants/seeds and chemicals to keep the insects from eating those plants and electric fences and gas for the tiller and fertilizer.  There is also hours of work involved.  But it is rewarding when you can walk out your back door and gather your whole meal.  Like tonight we had squash, green beans, potatoes and corn fresh from the Ponderosa garden.
* The Turkey Mama I talked about earlier this week is still sitting on her nest on the side of the road.  We drive right up and look at her and she sits perfectly still as if she can't see us.  I do hope her eggs hatch soon and she can find a place to hide.

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