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Sunday, February 17, 2013

February photo a day #17

#17 In your hand
My phone was in my hand when I made these photos today of a place called The Turn Rock.  It is on a mountain called Double Top between Byrdstown and Jamestown.  This road was once a wagon trail. When the wagons reached this rock, it was impossible to go around it.  The load in a wagon was transferred into another wagon waiting on the opposite side of the rock.  Then the wagon turned and went back--thus the turn rock. 
The reason this spot is significant to us is that Peanut's grandpa, W.S. Moon always told a story about a conversation he had at this spot with Cordell Hull.  Cordell Hull was running for Representative and was on his horse headed for Jamestown. When they met at the turn rock they discussed Mr. Hull's campaign and he promised to improve the condition of the road when he was elected.  Grandpa Moon always quoted Mr. Hull as saying, "Moon, if I'm elected we are going to do something about this road to Jamestown."
Today there is a two lane black top road around the rock but you can see it is not very wide and curves around the rock.  And Cordell Hull was not only elected as a Representative but went on to become Secretary of the State and is known as the Father of the United Nations.

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