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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

How Does Your Garden Grow?

It's been so long since I made a post that I almost forgot my password when I logged in. Life has been overwhelming and there is so much to do in the spring that I deserted our blog. But school is about to end and that means more free time for me! Our newest project on the Ponderosa is a garden. It's about two weeks old and I check it every day to see what's growing and whether the dogs or deer have made tracks through it. It's in our yard--we have plenty of yard--no one should mow that much, so we took a little corner and started plowing. Peanut started with his equipment, trying to plow up the ground.

It wasn't really doing the trick so we did the only thing a person could and that was borrow stuff from our neighbors.
Now our neighbors have all the equipment we need and they are very good at sharing. We love our neighbors!

Larger John Deere, tiller attached in back and now we are in business.

Ready for planting.

After a quick trip to the farm supply store we were ready with tomatoes, squash, blueberry bushes, watermelon and cantaloupe. A brief visit to my Dad's scored us some green bean seeds and lima beans left from his garden.
We have added okra, replanted watermelon and cantaloupe(hail the day after they were planted) and some marigolds. The green beans are up, the lima beans are starting to pop from the ground.
Stay tuned to see what happens, we've already had to battle the elements and I'm certain some critters are going to cause trouble, so there should be plenty of garden stories!

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