On the way there we decided to just drive to Somerset. We thought it was too hot to work outside anyway that we would just go look around and have some lunch!
I need to warn you here, if you go to Somerset they have completely re-done the road and you must cross the bridge drive a little ways and then do a loop backward--anyway you could figure it out!
We stopped first at the mall and I was lucky enough to find a new pair of pants to replace my favorite pair that Peanut ruined in the wash. He was trying to be helpful, but washing my clothes with towels creates lint balls that just can't be removed. He has since seen the error of his ways and stopped helping with the laundry like I had requested 30 years ago! It was a little crowded in the mall for Tuesday morning because it was Senior Citizen Discount day and many ladies older than myself were taking advantage of the 20 % discount. You had to be 60 so I did not get to play!
Golden Corral was our next stop where we had a very filling lunch and sampled most of the desserts. This activity may have hindered my Wii fit progress!
Our next stop was at a store called HomeWorx. We had stopped there before and found some unique things, but today everything was 40% off. Much time was spent browsing the aisles and looking at everything from boots to tools. The best thing we got here, was a new straw hat for Peanut! We were thinking we had some pretty good deals when we came upon a store called Mighty Dollar.
Now, my mom had told me about going in one in Russell Springs, KY and she had seen the one in Somerset one day, so on her recommendation we pulled in!
Again we spent a long time browsing the aisles where everything is a dollar! I got a little carried away in the scrapbook aisle and Peanut found some great office supplies, but my dear readers the treasure of the day is this glass chicken! I thought is was very cool. Even the cashier was enthralled and showed it to the other cashiers who also admired it. It now has a special place on our back deck!
And it was only $1.00!
We did make it back to Walmart and grab a few groceries but they paled in comparison to our other treasures which I will not name or picture here, because I know you would be jealous!
Happy Tuesday from the Ponderosa.
Nice find Mama!! You are right, I'm already jealous.
I thought Peanut said you hated chickens...or do you only hate the REAL chickens...you know the ones that FLAG you? lol I wish I had known you were going...I would have had you to look at BIg Lots for my lime green chair! LOL
I want one of those chickens!!!!!
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