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Tuesday, January 12, 2021

january's first 12 days

 Things happening on the Ponderosa in January:

We started the year with a traditional meal of black-eyed peas, hog jowl and cabbage.  We also had some ham, corn, green beans and mashed potatoes!  Bailee thought the hog jowl was delicious.  Everyone ate some of the other things for good luck without complaint.  

We had stayed up until midnight on New Year's Eve and played games!  We wanted to be sure to send 2020 on its way.

There have been some lazy days, some dentists appointments, some shopping and lots of Netflix viewing.
On the 12th Gibson Tax Service opened. 

At Cowan Hill Farm
They had a set of triplets born on a cold night.  All were girls, but only two made it.  They are having trouble nursing and their mom was not cooperating!  But they sure are cute.

In National News
Covid is worse than ever from the Christmas surge.  Unfortunately, on Wednesday the sixth during a protest in Washington D.C. Trump supporters broke into the Capitol Building.  It was hard to watch and disturbing that people believed they had the right to enter and destroy property.  Now the media reports that some politicians are trying to impeach the President again or invoke the 25th amendment.  It's a sad and disturbing time.

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