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Tuesday, April 14, 2015

april showers

April showers have been happening for the second day now, so when the sun broke through I headed out for a little walk to the mailbox.  Seemed like all the critters had the same idea!

I almost didn't notice that this little fella had gotten himself into trouble because he looked like a leaf.  I flipped him.
And scooted him off the driveway to a spot where he could recover and get his bearings back!
By the time I returned he was long gone.
A few steps away I ran into this critter.
I left it alone.

I stopped to admire how much the May apples had grown and his little bird just sat right down beside me.  I may have gotten too close to where it was trying to build a nest.

I didn't hurry to the mailbox because there was lots of interesting blooming things to see along the way. 

 But the showers are coming back, unfortunately for most of the rest of the week.

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