The World's Longest Yard Sale is suppose to begin on Thursday. It's on Highway 127 and just a hop and skip away from the Ponderosa! But don't tell all the people that are already set up and all the treasure hunters that were out today because they are already in full yard sale mode! This sale began about 20 years ago and until about six years ago we did not participate because we heard about traffic nightmares and it is always very hot this time of year. The first time we went we found so many treasures that we were hooked and we brave the heat and the week end traffic snarls each year the first of August. Today we set out early with intentions of taking 127 toward Crossville where we knew many vendors were ready. We never made it to Crossville. After stopping a couple of places we ran into our old friend, Lee. He had a nice shady spot with a good breeze so we sat with him for a while. He was neighbors with the Jesus Rocks guy who came over and visited with us. He is the guy who makes the Ten Commandments Rocks/signs that you see in people's yards all over the region! He also gives everyone he meets three rocks from his pocket and invites you to go to heaven with him!

There's our friend Lee going to visit the Jesus Rocks guy as we are leaving!
These are the little rocks he gives out!
We made our way to Clarkrange and had lunch at the Cumberland General Store where it was so busy they had run out of french fries. We shopped our way back home only stopping where there was some shade. Here are the treasures we found today.
Photo paper, envelopes, candy, writing tablets, magnetic picture holders toys all for 50 cents each.
A new birdhouse
Wooden table for Ponderosa parties and very cool wooden chair bought for a photo prop, but it looks good on the porch by the front door.
My favorite purchase of the day, vintage hankies. I want to be like my grandmas and carry them in my purse, just in case a grand child needs wiping off!
In the morning we are going north on Highway 127 on the trail of more treasures.
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