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Monday, February 28, 2011

"Nice" Mail

Several years ago I was visiting with my niece Emily and I mentioned that I had some pictures to send her.  I handed a piece of paper across the table and ask her to write her address on it.  She wrote her e-mail. Passing it back, I explained that I had copies of the prints and I wanted her mailing address.  Emily exclaimed, "Oh, nice mail, all I ever get is bills!"  Nice mail began and expanded into other family members.  Now the list includes the Ponderosa Princesses and  my niece Aimee.  Parker and even the son-in-laws like to receive nice mail.

Nice mail is usually a card with a note and sometimes there are pictures, recipes, games, or coupons included.  On some holidays, the girls all get festive socks!  I even have special postcards for grandkids. Other people sometimes get nice mail for their birthday or a get well card if they need it.  Since I have retired I have been a better nice mailer, using the calendar from our church to send birthday and anniversary wishes to friends.  Facebook helps too since I can see who is having a birthday a week ahead.
Our church sends cards to people every Sunday.  Some weeks there are 12-15 cards.  Just yesterday it was mentioned how important the cards are to the receivers.  The idea that someone is thinking of them and taking the time to prepare a card makes them feel special.
Today was nice mail day on the Ponderosa.  I had a  birthday card and a get well card ready when the husband left for work,  After I  prepared more mail and the rain stopped for a few minutes I decided to drive to the Post Office so everyone would get some nice mail tomorrow, but when I got there it looked like this

The entire parking lot was flooded.  It was dry near the big blue box I need to get to, but the water was deep in the driveway right in front of it.  Just like the postal service I was not going to be stopped by high water, so I hightailed it to Gibson Tax Service where the owner took me in his four wheel drive to deposit my mail before the 3:15 deadline! He,of course, is a big fan of everyone on the nice mail list so he saved the day!

So take some time to send someone some "nice" mail but do it on a day when the sun is shining and you don't have to ford the post office parking lot.


Aimee said...

I am glad he saved the day by gettin you to the post office. I LOVE nice mail! It makes my day! :)

House Queen said...

I loved my "nice mail" birthday card! I hardly get those anymore! Sometimes it is no fun being a grown up! :) Oh...and I tried to mail a package that day but got to scared to turn in! I will remember to call on that HERO of yours if that happens to me again!